The First International Contest forVideos, Photos, and Webtoons of the Earth Peace Festival > 공지사항

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한반도 평화대탑, 세계 평화대탑 건립

The First International Contest forVideos, Photos, and Webtoons of the…

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작성자최고관리자 댓글댓글 0건 조회조회 611회 작성일 22-06-08 11:10


For World Peace

The First International Contest forVideos, Photos, and Webtoonsofthe Earth Peace Festival

Hoping to imbue various expressions of love and hope for peacein the worldthrough constructing“the Great Pagodas for Peace,” we are holdingthis contest forUCC videos, photo, and webtoons.

·         Topics

a.       Love, Peace, Happiness, and Compassion

b.      Love for Nature; Love for Earth

c.       A Mind of Understanding, Forgiveness, and Thoughtfulness

d.      World Peace


·         Categories: UCC videos, photos, and webtoons

·         Eligibility:Citizens across the world (age14 or older) who wish to participate in the categories of UCC videos, photos, and webtoons

·         Submission Period: Wednesday, June 1st ~ Wednesday, August 31st, 2022

·         Results: The results will be announced on Friday, September 16rd, 2022 at 12 noonon the homepage (

·         Exhibition:Special Exhibition on the Great Pagodas of World Peace Metaverse Platform, for one year (to share with the world audience)


·         Detail Categories



Size/ Length

UCC videos

Citizens who wish to join the cause of world peace (age 14 or older)

40 to 60 seconds in length; under 1 GB

HD (1280 x 720 pixels or better)

Quality of 640 x 480 resolution or better

Submit your original file in mp4 video format


Digital camera

Resolution quality of 3,000 pixels or higher horizontally, in JPG format, under 10 MB


JPG format; horizontal resolution quality of 2 MB or higher; Submit your original file without photo editing.



Scroll-style webtoon; final version with over 10 scenes; minimum of 2 episodes (excluding prologue); horizontal size of 1280 pixels is recommended; 200 MB; image resolution of 3000 dpi or more; any genre


All entries must have secured a copyright for the work. The following webtoons are excluded from the competition: webtoons that have been released to the public for the purpose of profit; any work under contract by a publisher for the purpose of publication; work that has been submitted to any other competitions.In the event of any legal disputes, such as copyright issues of a registered entry, the contestant shall bear all corresponding legal responsibility.

·         Awardswill be presented by the superintendents of education, the President of the Federation of Arts and Culture Organization of Korea, and other officials. Special awards and Honorable Mentions will be presented as well. (Subject to change)

a.       One Grand Prize Winner (award of 1,000,000 KRW)

b.      Three First Prize Winners (award of 300,000 KRW)

c.       Five Award of Excellence Winners (award of 100,000 KRW)

d.      Honorable Mentions (award of a trophyand artwork displayed at the exhibition)


·         Submission Documents

Send the application, the consent agreement, the copyright agreement,and an entry submission(

·         Inquiries

Headquarters of the International Contest of the Earth Peace Festival

Tel: (02) 352-6406, (031) 871- 0101, Mobile: 010-6671-6435/Fax: (031) 871-3513


·         Host/Organizer

Host: The Promotion Committee of the Great Pagodas of World Peace

Organizer: The Steering Committee of the Great Pagodas of World Peace

Sponsors: The Federation of Artistic and Cultural Organization of Korea, Dongguk University, the Korea Literary Men’s Association, the Fine Arts Association, the Photo Artists Society of Korea, and the Webtoon Association




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  • 전화 : 02-352-6406
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